• Nature Healing Walks (Spring/Summer Sessions)
Nature Healing Walks help people to reconnect with nature and develop tools to live healthier lifestyles and become more connected with their bodies and our environment. With access to the right resources, people can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence needed to fulfill their potential. Join our next H.E.R.O Nature Healing Walk. Spring schedule is coming soon!

  • International Cardinal Healing Tours (Cuba, Jamaica & more)
Social workers, educators and first-responders are invited to participate in our International Cardinal Tours. Those who experience and hold trauma will exchange with Cuban organizers and healers to share strategies for community organizing, environmental justice and nurturing. We will focus on the effects of the US blockage and related policies as the primary deterrents to peace on the island. A clear focus of this delegation is to explore the factors, such as imperialism, capitalism and environment racism, that inhibit peace and justice across the Americas, and create communities of well-being and nurturing that enable economic and food justice for our movements in the US and our allies in Cuba.

  • HERO Hope Garden and the Youth Summer “Plant a Seed” Series
The HERO Hope Garden acts as a beacon in the community where everyone in the neighborhood can access fresh fruits and vegetables at their discretion. It’s also a communal space in establishing and nurturing the different plants for the garden. Youth have the opportunity to select and self-plants seeds, seedlings, herbs or fruits that the community can all enjoy. Together we are sustaining the community and building passion. The HERO Hope Garden will host its Ribbon Cutting Ceremony this summer. Stay tuned for more details.

  • Art to Heart Series (Beginning June)
Art to Heart is a series where we connect artists and art lovers & friends touched by the healing power of art in its many forms. All forms of art will be welcomed including performance art, visual art, poetry/spoken word and music. The series will occur monthly starting June to September at the HERO Hope Garden at 426 Geneva Avenue in Dorchester, MA. Stay tuned for more details!

  • Hugs Heal 20 Second Hug Challenge | #hugs2heal
The 20-second Hugs 2 Heal Challenge was created to build positive energy connections and improve our interpersonal relationships between our family, friends, colleagues, and even strangers.


The 20-second Hugs 2 Heal Challenge was created from an experience during our winter delegation to Cuba. Our founder, Judith Foster, found it fascinating that many of the natives would hug and greet each other with love and compassion. Through further research, we discovered that “increased levels of oxytocin (the love hormone) reduce blood pressure and cortisol (the stress hormone), it increases happiness, lowers stress, and improves relationships and connections.”. Giving and receiving is also a way for people to build positive energy connections.


Direct hugging is ideal, however, others may choose to seek healing via different ways of connecting. There are 5 ways to participate in the Hugs Heal Challenge (20-second embraces - always ask for permission)
    • Body to Body (Hugs)
    • Back to Back Embrace
    • Hand Shake
    • Fist Bump
    • Eye to Eye Engagement
  • How to participate? Challenge a family member or friend via social media: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Participating organizations and supporters include Rep. Liz Miranda, Witness for Peace, The New Democracy Coalition and Farmers Collaborative.
The campaign will begin on Friday, February 14 and will end Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, 2020.
Donations will be collected to continue the effort to educate and engage men and women on the importance of combating heart disease and raise awareness about heart health. Partial proceeds will be donated to the American Heart Association.

  • Emotional Intelligence Awareness Workshops (EIA) (Fall Series)

EIA Workshops is a six-part series educating and exploring the six major emotions we experience throughout life, how they affect our emotional wellbeing, and how we can best manage them versus our emotions managing us. We will give you tools to help navigate your emotional systems.